Registered in England and Wales No. 7817798  |  Registered Office: 34 Spring Lane, Watlington, Oxon, UK , OX49 5QN

About Us              +44 (0) 1491 612198

Pam Orchard, BA Mod (Hons), PhD, C.Chem. MRSC, MTOPRA

Mike Orchard, BSc, PhD, C.Chem. MRSC

Mike has a strong background in synthetic organic chemistry and a very practical understanding of many different processes within chemical, biological and analytical systems.  His logical approach has enabled him to solve problems at all stages of R&D to commercial manufacture.

He has invaluable experience of medicinal research as well as development chemistry (scale-up, route optimisation and alternative route development.  He has used his keen analytical skills to simplify processes and to solve chemical and practical problems arising from small-scale laboratory work to pilot plant and commercial manufacturing scale.

Pam  has a PhD in Organic Chemistry and worked for several years as a research and development synthetic chemist before moving in to Regulatory Affairs in 1999.  Her good communication skills, strong technical expertise as well as her knowledge of regulatory requirements allowed her to develop strong working relations with key stakeholders such as QA, QC, chemical development, formulation development and manufacturing.

She worked in Regulatory Affairs for several well known Pharmaceutical Companies before setting up as an independent consultant.  She is a committed and self-motivated professional, with an ability to apply knowledge and see the bigger picture but yet pay attention to fine detail.